How to submit posts to fetch as google
In this page, we will learn how to submit our blog posts as well as website posts to Google webmaster tool named "Fetch as Google" in order to track its status of indexing as well as to ensure that each and every post gets indexed. This is my favourite tool that I usually use to submit my blog post to indexing. That's why i'm discussing about this tool here.
Fetch as Google steps
Step 1 :
Go to Google Webmaster page with your google account. If you don't have one, create an account and login to the webmaster page. Once you get into the page, you will see the icon "Add a site" as shown in the below picture. You need to enter the url of your web/blog home page in order to get it identified by the webmaster initially (If your blog is already linked to webmaster, then this step is not necessary).
Step 2 :
After submitting your homepage url, you will see the following list of dropdown menus on the left corner. click/hit crawl tab as shown in the picture
Step 3 :
A drop down menu appears, in that select "fetch as google" option.
Step 4 :
Once you click the fetch as google tab, a display will appear as shown below. In that you are required to enter the later part of your post url. Say if your post url is
Then select only the highlighted part (after .com/) instead of selecting everything and paste the same in the space provided. Click fetch red button.
Step 5 :
The above step allows webmaster to fetch your individual post just like the one shown in the picture. Now click/hit "submit to index" button. A pop-up menu appears asking you whether to submit only the URL or submit URL with all linked pages. Note that submitting URL with all linked pages is allowed only thrice in a month. So, if you are a submitting a sitemap or your blogs homepage containing all the URL's of your blog, then click the second one, else simply go for URL.
That's it, once you do this, your post will get indexed but will take say one or two days. You may check the status at any time there. You may even submit already submitted posts monthly or weekly just for extra precaution.
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