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How to Create FeedBurner Feed for Blogger Blog?

FeedBurner is a great implement to build a regular distribution for your Blogger blog as it gives a smart organize over blog’s RSS/atom feeds subscriptions.

FeedBurner is a Great service for Blogger platform users. It will allot you a smart control over you blog’s RSS or ATOM feeds. Visitors  get the feeds of your blog easily with FeedBurner.

FeedBurner gives its email subscription service and allows publishing feed on twitter. If you properly utilized the tool than it will help to generate more visits to your blog or website.

If you want to create a FeedBurner feed for your blogger blog, you need to follow simple step by step instruction which is given in the tutorial.

Step-1: Find Blogger Default Feed URL

The Default blogger feed URL will look like this;


So, all you need to do to add /feeds/posts/default?alt=rssafter your blog URL.

Step-2: Find Blogger Default Feed URL

Now go to your FeedBurner Dashboard with you Google user ID and password. You will see a box “Burn a feed right this instant”. ‘Type your Blog or Feed Address here’. In that box write you blog’s default feed address and click ‘Next’ button.

feedburner id

Step-3: Set a Tittle and URL for blog’s FeedBurner Feed

After that you will find the Blog Title and FeedBurner Address like below. If you wish change them to a unique one then click Next. If all is fine you will get a conformation massage. Like below image.


 In the next page permitted “Get More Gusto from Your Feed Traffic Statistics” Check the alternatives you require for you feed then click ‘Next’?

Step-4: Redirect Post Feeds to FeedBurner URL

That’s all, You FeedBurner feed is created but still required to be point from blogger.

Go to your blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Other. In the site feed section, paste your newly created FeedBurner feed URL  in the Post Feed Redirect URL box.


Now click ‘Save Settings’ and Check it by going to the FeedBurner URL. That’s iall, you have successfully created a FeedBurner feed for your blogger blog.

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